Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A New Year! A New Look! Keep Your EYE on 2012

Hi All!

I feel a sense of collective renewal as all you gals and guys wish for a brighter New Year. To me the New Year presents an opportunity for a New Look, which in turn signifies a New You.

This transformation is easily accomplished. I like to call it “eye fun” or better still “iPhun” (yes, we all miss you Steve Jobs as I write this missive on my Mac). It is open season on eye styles thanks to the unlimited boundaries extended by Hollywood. With superior eye makeup products, and a broad palette of styles it could be a fun adventure to unwrap the new you for 2012. Let the world see you, and let you view the world through brighter “iPhun” eyes.

Whether you are a teen in the process of discovering a look, or someone who welcomes a change – dramatically changing your eye makeup is the quickest, easiest (and painless) way to achieve your goal! Come by Felix Design Studio. I will teach you tips and secrets to maintain any look! I can provide you with a kit of mascara, pencils, etc. to take home with you. iPhun is an exceptional idea for us to get creative together; and the results are immediate and gratifying.

By the way, the latest and greatest eye liner pencil and a black mascara wrapped in a bow make the perfect stocking stuffer. Better still, a Gift Certificate or Makeup Bag stuffed with goodies is the ideal present for those significant women in your life.

Wishing you a year and a lifetime full of health and blessings and (iPhun!).



P.S. Running the trails with Charlie dog, we occasionally come upon peacocks. Remarkably Charlie is uninterested in the vibrant birds. She seemingly appreciates that they are a treasure in our lovely Palos Verdes. These peacocks served as the inspiration for this eyeful graphic.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ageing or Aging? What does it really mean?

Ageing (British English) or Aging (American English) is the accumulation of changes in an organism or object over time. Ageing in humans refers to a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change. Some dimensions of ageing grow and expand over time, while others decline. Reaction time, for example, may slow with age, while knowledge of world events and wisdom may expand. Research shows that even late in life, potential exists for physical, mental, and social growth and development.

Aging is relative. Aging is ambiguous. Aging discriminates. Aging is a statement of the mind; therefore, aging is attitude. Aging, is putting a sequential number to our physical being. Aging is an unfortunate fact of life. Bottom line, aging sucks!

For those under 30, the definition of aging does not exist. Teenagers want to be all grownup and grownups want to be teenagers again. It’s the Benjamin Button phenomenon. Officially, I’m a grown up. I have a son in college and a daughter in high school. I’d like to turn back the clock. I don’t want to go back to high school. No way! I want to keep my precious life experiences; yet I would love to have my fresh sparkling teenage skin back.

Now that is a tricky concept!

I have been inspired by older grown up’s who look tremendous and exude youth! Call me a dork for watching “Dancing with the Stars,” but Kirstie Alley looks youthful and utterly beautiful! Kirstie radiates charisma and beauty and she has 60 years to her credit! In Hollywood, it boils down to sexy hair (hair extensions!) and skillful make up. And attitude!

And then there is “American Idol.” Steven Tyler has 63 years to his credit! He looks rock and roll fantastic! Steven Tyler has exquisite hair, a hip sense of style that puts the young rock and rollers to shame.

Both Kirstie and Steven obviously share the same ambitious desire to defy their age or maybe they simply share the same stylist and makeup artist?

For me, I hope to age gracefully. I vow to make every attempt to defy my age to the best of my ability. Turning back the clock may be tricky, but it can be done with scientifically proven anti-aging remedies and a little effort.

The best-kept secret is PHIZ Glycolic Anti-Aging Creams. PHIZ Glycolic comes in two strengths – x30 and x50 – they will both smooth and refine tired skin; plus reduce fine lines and restore a youthful brightness.

Aging is inevitable; yet, discovering secrets to slow down the process can be invaluable. The secret formula for a younger you:

PHIZ Anti-Aging Glycolic x50 Cream + Sexy Hair + Beautiful Make Up = Younger Looking You!

No matter what your age, we all want to appear more youthful; so invest in the PHIZ Glycolic x50 Cream and schedule a professional make up lesson for your own personal fountain of youth.

Let me create a beautiful and youthful you for all and any occasion.

Kirstie Alley and Steven Tyler are exceptional examples of how NOT to act your age.

Go for it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As another year breezes by, I continually notice that I’m (again) another year older. UGH! When I was in my twenties, all I thought about was cute boys at a hot New Year’s Eve party...Fast forward, years later, no New Year’s Eve party. With pleasure, I reflect upon 2010 quietly with the one’s I love the most. I was in bed at a respectable hour as it was my desire to wake up feeling fresh and rested. I also had the everyday craving to go for a long and relaxing run New Year’s Day. Running for me is like meditating. Running has a way of keeping me focused and calm. It is on the running trail that I do my best thinking. Sounds bizarre, but all the benefits of exercise.

Last November, Jennifer, my running partner and I decided to run The Malibu Marathon. 26.2 miles! As we are both “grown ups”, not in our twenties anymore, we truly questioned the challenge. Jennifer and I run for our own personal quests, definitely not to break any land speed records. When we run, we solve the world’s problems the moment we hit the trail. Our runs can be long, short, smoldering hot, California cold, rainy, ordreadfully windy. Jennifer hates the wind.

We both run in a baseball cap to protect our face from the sun. Wind is like a bratty kid tossing our caps off and throwing them down the road. Very annoying! So always protect your skin from the sun rays. More importantly, don’t forget your PHIZ SPF 30 sunscreen! Rain or shine, running is our healthy addiction! It is our way of getting PHIZICAL! It is our way of staying fit and trim! Maybe we are slightly addicted to the endorphins high, but at least we won’t get arrested for running.

Running a marathon is quite the commitment. Months of training. For many Sunday’s we ran 12 – 24 miles. Many hours for the leisure runner? With family obligations, children, work, we would run at dawn and we happily make it back home to feed our children lunch. The many hours of pounding the pavement is actually worth every minute. Jennifer and I were scared to death of being a casualty on the Marathon day. We heard so many horror stories of runners who didn’t train properly and would hit the ominous “wall”. We were committed to doing the proper training. Jennifer and I would rather humorously visualize ourselves crossing the finish line like an Olympic athlete. We had no concern for speed, but we did want to finish healthy and happy!

A Marathon’ challenges every aspect of your being. During the long hours of pounding the pavement, your mind and body go through so many emotions. You mind will listen to you body. Your body will listen to your mind. It is positive focus that keeps your mind and body in check. It is the mental power that can make or break a Marathon experience. It is your brain that tells you muscles that they are okay. It is you brain that tells you to stay calm and no need to worry. It is your brain that keeps you motivated. It is your brain that keeps one-foot in front of the other.

Why a Marathon you ask? For me, I wanted to see if I could even get close to conquering such a challenge. I truly had no concept of my ability in accomplishing such a task. Everyone has challenges they face in life. Love, divorce, illness, death, and the worry for the ones we love.
I guess I needed to know how tough I really was. I needed to know if I could fight hard. My Marathon experience gave me strength and confidence. I now know that I am strong! I now know that I am stronger than what I imagined. I have actually run two marathons! Malibu was my second. I wanted to make sure my first Marathon wasn’t pure luck. It wasn’t. We all want to have strength. We never know when we will be tested. Hopefully, the Universe will be kind to us and keep the testing to a minimum!

Whether or not you are running, walking, Pilate's, yoga, whatever form of exercise rocks your boat, take some time for yourself! Crank up the iPod and get PHIZICAL!

Remember your PHIZ SPF 30 Sunscreen

Be strong! Be grateful! Enjoy!