Aging is relative. Aging is ambiguous. Aging discriminates. Aging is a statement of the mind; therefore, aging is attitude. Aging, is putting a sequential number to our physical being. Aging is an unfortunate fact of life. Bottom line, aging sucks!
For those under 30, the definition of aging does not exist. Teenagers want to be all grownup and grownups want to be teenagers again. It’s the Benjamin Button phenomenon. Officially, I’m a grown up. I have a son in college and a daughter in high school. I’d like to turn back the clock. I don’t want to go back to high school. No way! I want to keep my precious life experiences; yet I would love to have my fresh sparkling teenage skin back.
Now that is a tricky concept!

I have been inspired by older grown up’s who look tremendous and exude youth! Call me a dork for watching “Dancing with the Stars,” but Kirstie Alley looks youthful and utterly beautiful! Kirstie radiates charisma and beauty and she has 60 years to her credit! In Hollywood, it boils down to sexy hair (hair extensions!) and skillful make up. And attitude!

And then there is “American Idol.” Steven Tyler has 63 years to his credit! He looks rock and roll fantastic! Steven Tyler has exquisite hair, a hip sense of style that puts the young rock and rollers to shame.
Both Kirstie and Steven obviously share the same ambitious desire to defy their age or maybe they simply share the same stylist and makeup artist?
For me, I hope to age gracefully. I vow to make every attempt to defy my age to the best of my ability. Turning back the clock may be tricky, but it can be done with scientifically proven anti-aging remedies and a little effort.
The best-kept secret is PHIZ Glycolic Anti-Aging Creams. PHIZ Glycolic comes in two strengths – x30 and x50 – they will both smooth and refine tired skin; plus reduce fine lines and restore a youthful brightness.
Aging is inevitable; yet, discovering secrets to slow down the process can be invaluable. The secret formula for a younger you:
PHIZ Anti-Aging Glycolic x50 Cream + Sexy Hair + Beautiful Make Up = Younger Looking You!
No matter what your age, we all want to appear more youthful; so invest in the PHIZ Glycolic x50 Cream and schedule a professional make up lesson for your own personal fountain of youth.
Let me create a beautiful and youthful you for all and any occasion.
Kirstie Alley and Steven Tyler are exceptional examples of how NOT to act your age.
Go for it!
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